How to Set Up and Run Your MERN Stack Project in VS Code


What is MERN Stack: 

The MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js stacks make up the MERN stack, which is a web development framework. There are various phases involved in setting up a MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js) stack project. Here is an easy-to-follow instruction sheet to assist with getting you started:

How to setup the MERN Stack Application:

1st step: Installing the necessary software.

  1. Installing Node.js is as simple as going to the official Node.js website, downloading the installer for your operating system, and then following the installation guidelines.
  2. Install MongoDB by going to the official MongoDB website, downloading the community server version, and then carrying out the installation steps.
2nd step: Set up the backend part of the project.

  1. Open your folder in vs code or open the vs code and run the terminal.
  2. In vs code terminal, write this command mkdir mern-stack-app to create a new directory for your project.
  3. Go to the project directory by typing cd mern-stack-app.
  4. Write this command npm init -y to launch a new Node.js project.
  5. Installing the necessary packages:  npm install express mongoose cors                                                                                                     npm install nodemon --save-dev
3rd step:  Construct to the Backend Server

  1. In the project directory, add or create a new file with the name server.js.
  2. Import the required modules and configure the server's:
             import express from "express";
             import cors from "cors";
             import mongoose from "mongoose";
             const app = express();
             const port = process.env.PORT || 8080;

4th step: Connection the MongoDB database to create a directory config. In config folder to create db.js  and add the following code in db.js:

 import mongoose from "mongoose";
import colors from 'colors'

//Replace your MONGO_URL
const MONGO_URL = 'mongodb+srv://<username>:<password>'

const connectDB = async () => {
    try {
      const conn = await mongoose.connect(process.env.MONGO_URL);
        `Conneted To Mongodb Databse ${}`.bgMagenta.white
    } catch (error) {
      console.log(`Error in Mongodb ${error}`.bgRed.white);
export default connectDB;

And import the connectDB function file and add the following code in server.js:
import connectDB from "./config/db.js";

5th step: Construct Routes and Controllers

  1. Make two new directories in your project directory which are routes and controllers.
  2. Make a Route.js file in the routes directory.
  3. Make a Controller.js file in the controllers directory.

The code below should be added to Route.js to create the routes:

 import express from "express";
// router object
const router = express.Router();

// Define your routes and corresponding controllers here
// router.get("/test", testController);

export default router;

The code below should be added to Controller.js to create the controllers:
// Define your controller functions here

6th Step: Include the routes and controllers by adding the following code to server.js:
import Route from "./routes/Route.js";
app.use("/test", Route);

7th Step: Get started the Frontend (Client)
  1. Launch the vs code terminal.
  2. Go to your project directory and type cd mern-stack-app.
  3. Write the command mkdir client to create a new directory in the project directory called "client."
  4. Write cd client to get to the client directory.
  5. Create a new React JS project with the command npx create-react-app  .    .

To run the MERN stack project:

To start the backend server, execute npm run server from the root project directory.

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